CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is based on the idea that what we think influences our emotions and behaviors. The goal of CBT is to help face those thoughts to challenge and reframe them, helping you take back control of your emotions and behaviors.
DBT - Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is based on CBT and mindfulness. It has 4 core values:
Mindfulness - means paying attention and being an observer in a non-judgmental way. Being grounded and focused in the moment.
Interpersonal Effectiveness - means developing effective interpersonal skills to maximize your goal of the situation, maintain boundaries, and being respectful.
Emotional Regulation - means learning to identify our emotions in order to better cope and respond to them.
Distress Tolerance - means learning to manage distress in a healthy way.
Integrative Mental Health
Integrative Mental Health involves integrating both conventional and complimentary/alternative medicine (CAM) to improve mental health.
Some CAM interventions may include: nutrition, yoga, hydrotherapies, and acupuncture.
Pair with conventional therapy methods such as CBT, DBT and ACT.
Supportive Therapy
Supportive therapy is a client driven therapy style. It is a therapeutic alliance to build self esteem, provide awareness and cope with life stressors. It is a less structured therapeutic environment than other therapy modalities. It is great for clients who are new to therapy.
Walk-and-Talk Therapy
Walk-and-talk therapy is when we take therapy outdoors! It incorporates movement with nature and being outdoors.
Benefits of walk-and-talk therapy:
More freeing and active approach to releasing emotions.
Walking side by side and not making direct eye contact. May be an easier way to talk.
An increase in mind/body awareness through active movement while discussing feelings along with sensations.
More bang for your buck! A workout and a therapy session! Saves time too; not going for an extra walk on therapy days.
Added bonus: you won’t get as overwhelmed with worry because your body and mind will distribute your tension between the two.